
You can’t manage digital marketing if you don’t measure analytics

As a society we track everything. We track votes. We track athletes stats. In business, we track our revenue and our expenses. One of the most important metrics we check is the cost of goods sold. We track employee hours and pay rate. We track almost everything we can get our hands on so we can make good decisions about how to run our business. You track your number of likes on Facebook and we track the number of email addresses we’ve collected. Why the heck wouldn’t we track our website traffic?

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Your Key to Success: Blogging – Be the Local Expert & Dominate Google

Blogging for SEO and Expertise

Blogs are the articles on a website. These articles are usually written by an employee or owner of a website. Sometimes an expert guest will contribute articles to this section of the website. The National Retail Federation Blog is about retail in the United States. If you own a flower shop, your blog might include articles like, “How to Pick the Best Flower Arrangement for Mom,” or “Ways to Personalize Your Valentine’s Day Flowers.” In this article, we talk about the value of blogging for retail businesses. It not only makes you look like an expert but Google loves a good blog too!

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Landing Pages

What are Landing Pages and why do they matter?

Landing Pages

Landing pages are just pages on your website. Each page on your website is called a landing page. Most website templates come with a standard set of landing pages. This varies depending on the template you select and the platform you’re using. Typical landing pages include: About Us, Home Page, Location, Contact Us. These landing pages are essential for most brick & mortar stores.

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Online Product Catalog

Learn Exactly Why an Online Product Catalog is Crucial for your Store

The SKUs you carry in your store drive retail sales. Almost every retail store in America has a different product mix. Even franchises and corporate stores have varied product mixes in each store. Smart merchandisers select products depending on the needs of a specific market. Consumers research products online. To be competitive, retail stores must have an online product catalog on their websites.

There are two major reasons an independent retailer needs an online catalog. To inform consumers and to inform search engines.

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